Experiential Education Office of the Provost

REimagine Peer Reviewers


The application period for peer reviewers is open. If you are interested in becoming a REimagine ExEd peer reviewer, please complete the Peer Reviewer Application. Accepted applicants will be notified when there are opportunities to review a program. First-time reviewers must complete training before they participate in a review.

The Office of ExEd seeks individuals from diverse backgrounds to serve as peer reviewers to assess Purdue ExEd programs.

REimagine peer reviewers are faculty and staff at Purdue University who are passionate about continuous improvement of Experiential Education at the University. Peer reviewers are ExEd practitioners with expertise in one or more of the Quality of Practice Indicators listed below. Peer reviewers are also knowledgeable in experiential education as defined by the University: Experiential education is a planned pedagogy centering on an authentic experience to strengthen students’ knowledge, skills, and abilities, paired with student reflection.


The Office of ExEd seeks peer reviewers from various educational backgrounds and professions who have the following qualifications:

In addition to the qualifications described above, potential peer reviewers should also exhibit a collegial, developmental, and holistic approach to peer review, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

Essential Job Functions:

Peer reviewers will receive training from the Office of Experiential Education. Reviewers will be assigned to a 3-person team. The timing of review activities will vary depending on the program the team is assigned to review. Programs will move through the REimagine ExEd process on a rolling basis. Tasks and estimated time required are listed below:

Peer Reviewers

  • 2–3 hours completing an online, self-guided training AND in-person workshop
  • 2–3 hours will be spent conducting an individual review of the program’s self-study
  • 10–15 hours conducting a full review as a team, which may involve the following:
    • 2-3 hours debriefing as team
    • 4-6 hours collecting additional information from stakeholder groups and program admin
    • 4-6 hours writing and revising the final report.

Lead Reviewer

  • All peer reviewer job functions
  • Coordinating review team meetings
  • Communicating with ExEd program and Office of Experiential Education
  • Producing the final report on the agreed-upon timeline
All peer review activities will be conducted remotely after the in-person workshop. Peer reviewers will use Microsoft Word and Microsoft Teams to complete activities.


REimagine peer reviewers will receive:

  • an honorarium of $400 for their service ($500 for Lead Reviewers)
  • letter of contribution to reviewer’s department head or supervisor with feedback from the reviewed program
  • REimagine Certificate as demonstration of service/expertise