Experiential Education Office of the Provost

ExEd Events

The Office of Experiential Education offers a variety of events throughout the year. These events include Community of Practice (CoP) events, ExEd Champions workshops, and office-led events. We are always taking topic suggestions for CoP events, trainings, and workshops that assist you with your ExEd work. Please contact our office with your ideas!


The Scholarship of ExEd: How to turn your practice into scholarly work. Friday, March 28 from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. on Microsoft Teams. 

During this session, participants will learn and discuss: Where do you start? How do you make the leap from coordinating ExEd experiences and producing scholarly research about them? We will consider how to engage the literature of ExEd, assessment methods, IRB approvals, and placing your work in scholarly publications. To register, complete the RSVP form.

Community of Practice

The Experiential Education Community of Practice is for folks who share a common passion about experiential education and want to learn how to improve their work through interactions with one another.  All are welcome to join the Community of Practice. To register for the West Lafayette Community of Practice events, complete the RSVP form.

ExEd Spaces: CREATE Lab. Wednesday, Apr. 2, from 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. in the CREATE Lab in BRNG 3272. Step into the CREATE Lab (Center for Research and Equipment for Assistive Technology in Education), where students use creativity, design thinking, and maker skills to solve real-world problems and access assistive technology to ensure high-quality instruction tailored to every student’s needs.  This event will feature a tour of the CREATE lab and discussions on how collaboration between disciplines utilizing this space can enhance experiential education for Purdue students.