The Office of Experiential Education is seeking instructors and staff with expertise in experiential education (ExEd) to be identified as Experiential Education Champions for the 2024-25 academic year. ExEd Champions have a passion for experiential education and its value to students. ExEd Champions have diverse backgrounds and interests and have a history of creating and delivering valuable experiential education opportunities for students.
This program is designed to recognize existing ExEd expertise at Purdue and to provide those individuals with professional development, resources, and opportunities to contribute to the growth of experiential education at Purdue.
To serve as an ExEd Champion, you must be a Purdue instructor or staff member who has experience designing, leading, or implementing an experiential education program for Purdue West Lafayette and/or Indianapolis students. Experiential education is defined as a planned pedagogy centering on an authentic experience to strengthen students’ knowledge, skills and abilities, paired with student reflection.
ExEd Champions will consult with instructors and staff, facilitate ExEd professional development events and serve as ambassadors in their departments.
To apply, visit the Office of Experiential Education website. Applications are due by email to Mindy Irby by Tuesday, Feb 27.
For more information about this initiative, contact Kathryn Stremiecki, the director of the Office of Experiential Education.
About the Office of Experiential Education
The Office of Experiential Education was created to carry out the experiential education component of the Transformative Education 2.0 initiative. The Office is part of the Office of the Provost, in the Teaching and Learning Division. The mission of the Office is to support, enhance and expand undergraduate experiential education at Purdue – West Lafayette and Indianapolis.